Please note that you must live within the practice boundary to be eligible for registration. When completing our online registration form you will be notified if you live ouside our catchment area.
You can also use the map below to check.
We are unable to continue supporting patients who move out of our catchment area.
Catchment Area
Non-urgent advice: To register with Firdale Medical Centre please complete our online application by following the link below:
Non-urgent advice: Once you completed our registration form
Please note that the registration process may take up to 5 days. We will notify you when your registration was succesful. If we cannot register you with our practice we will contact you to explain the reasons.
Non-urgent advice:
Please ensure you complete all question and fields on our online application form as this provides essential information about you past medical history. We will, of course, ask the appropriate authority to send your medical records once they have been retrieved from your previous surgery, but this may take time and the information you provide now will be very valuable to our clinicians.